Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Loneliness Country for sale

My poetry book, Loneliness Country is ready to be print. I decided I am going to do a handcrafted edition of my book. Those interested in having a copy just write to kahlofrida_99@hotmail.com. The price for sale is 12 dollars plus shipping and handling. Loneliness Country is a book of bilingual poetry, since the poems are in English and Spanish. The poems are from tmu experiences as an inmigrant and other experiences of living in the United States.

Mi libro de poesía Loneliness Country está listo. Decidí que voy a hacer una edición artesanal de mi libro. Aquellos que esten interesados en ordenar una copia pueden hacerlo escribiendo a kahlofrida_99@hotmail.com. El precio a la venta es de 12 dólares más gastos de manejo y envío. Loneliness Country es un libro bilingüe (español e inglés) sobre mi experiencia de inmigrante y todo el proceso de vivir en los Estados Unidos.

Me apunto para ordenar una copia. Te felicito y mucho exito.
Do know
i want
to know
others migrants
since they all
seem alike
in Europe, USA

Black or White
Accent while speaking
the country in turn
one's education
the tolerance
towards the migrant.

I know, after half
a life in USA,
what can I learn
that has not been written?
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